"Knockout wines": likenesses between great boxers and iconic bottles

One of the funniest aspects of wine lovers’s world is the attempt to "humanize" the bottles we drink.

In fact, trying to describe the wines tasted in the most relevant way (for us), we often resort to a series of adjectives or idioms taking from situations that with haven’t any attitudines with wine world.

We do it unconsciously, as if it were an automatism or almost the most obvious thing in the world, but for those who do not share our "healthy madness" this aspect of the tasting appears rather bizarre.

I am convinced that this wanting to humanize the wine is almost our necessity, as if we wanted to change it into a companion or a friend.

For this reason, when – some days ago - to tell a friend about a glass of wine that I was having a bit of a hard time swallowing (not because it was bad, but cause an excessive tannic/alcoholic exuberance showed in the mouth) I said the phrase "this wine is a bit like a punch in the eye", in me - which among the various sports passions also includes that for “the noble art” of boxing - came to mind the idea to compare some iconic wines with great past champions of this wonderful sport.

For "knockout wines" series.


For many people - and above all limited to numbers – it’s considered the best. An absolute perfectionist, with an almost obsessive attention to detail, but at the same time a too "exorbitant" type and never fully loved by the fans of its field


A great fighter, one who has always put his face without ever turning back, proudly claiming his origins and finally becoming an absolute emblem for his country. Sometimes he had road accidents, but it entered and was able to remain in the hearts of fans as few other.


Impactful and almost superhuman strength, apparently unbeatable and without any weak points. But then if you look at it well you understand that it is a stiff and monotonous, always the same as itself, and ends up losing some of fascination that you thought it had


A matter concentrate, pure and almost primordial power. A continuous excess, with also some "out of the lines" outputs and without guinness aging skills, but simply unrivaled in its best moments


A unique style, recognized at every latitude, an overflowing personality capable of crossing the same boundaries of one's own world, changing the canons and the references and entering into the myth dimension


Power and elegance, a giant in a velvet glove. In one word "class". A champion without time or dimension, able to challenge and defeat anyone who has been saved in front of him and giving unforgettable emotions to all those who have known him. For me the greatest one.


  1. I am not a great fan of humanising a bottle of wine, as wines and humans have too many facets that they cannot seem to fit perfectly at all angles. Recently, there are people against describing wines as muscular or feminine, as it reinforces gender stereotype.

  2. Maywheather and Masseto are a perfect match, both very expensive... ��... probably a Pinot Noir from Burgundy would be Sugar Ray Leonard... ��

    1. Hi Dario! I don't think it but I agree with you! Suygar Ray Leonard is a wonderful Burgundy Pinot Noir...unbelievable elegance!
      Thanks a lot for your comment!!!


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